Trophy Pictures From Our Customers
How about these Big and Tall sportsmen and all their successes in the field! We are extremely proud to have played a part!
(To become part of our trophy page, please send pictures of your successful hunts to: hunter@bigcamo.com )

Our buddy T-Bone making it happen in Utah while wearing Drake Non-Typical gear! Huge congrats on the FIRST bull elk! Cheers to many more! Check out more of T-Bone's hunting adventures by following his Instagram HERE.

Gregory Harris with friends on a great trip to Pointe a' la Hache, LA last season. Banded Uninsulateds and a super happy crew. Awesome! Congrats!!!!

Matthew Rogers making it happen this past season (Fall 2020). Matthew is wearing some Berne Field Pants and a BigCamo.com Mossy Oak shirt. Matthew looks forward to getting back our there this coming season and gearing back up at BigCamo.com! Congrats!

Rusty Peace making it happen in his ScentLok gear will hunting absolute MONSTER whitetail in Northern Kentucky! Quote from Rusty, "The buck scored 174 2/8, had 13 scoreable points, was 283 lbs. field dressed, and was at least 6 1/2 years old. Thanks guys for the most comfortable hunting clothes I have ever owned!" Way to be, Rusty! Congrats on this score of a lifetime!

Keith F. with his really nice Georgia 9 point. The smile says it all in his his Walls Uninsulated Bibs. CONGRATS!!

Robert P. making it happen during a Red Stag hunt in Hungary. Way to go with this beautiful Red Stag! Summer, 2017 - Burly Tan Waterproof Suit

Robert P. making it happen, AGAIN! Way to be!! Summer, 2017 -ScentLok Savanna Crosshair Jacket

Scott L. and his buddies loading up some great PNW Salmon. 2016 - Itasca Bear Creek Wader

Danny & his little buddy with a nice buck killed on 11/9/09. Congrats!

Here is our buddy Ron after a successful exotic hunt in TN. Way to go Ron!

Paul O. on a Pheasant Hunt near Milbank SD.

Here is Tom from PA with 2 nice tournament winning trout!
Here is Jeff from Canada with a nice buck. Must have been that great looking Mad Dog Growler Jacket (2008 Season)!

Here is Bryan from East Central Missouri with a Great Buck.
Hi guys,
Sorry this took a while but attatched is a pic of a stunning mirror carp caught in France this year at 41lb, and me putting the great jacket you sold me to work, bit different to the usual stuff you guys have in your trophy shots but thought you may like a little look, Best Regards and look forward to ordering some more quality gear from you lads soon, Andy

Brush pants and camo shirt from Oversize Outfitters. North Dakota Pheasant hunt both of us are wearing the brush pants. I sincerely appreciate you being there for us big boys.

Here is Alan with his buck of a lifetime. 181 1/8 gross 1711/8 net.

Here is a nice 10pt from the 07-08 season from Russell Silinski.
David Neamand killed this (23" 4x4) mule deer in Malta Mt.
here is Tobias from Germany with his 11' polar bear taken in September. Must have been those Mad Dog Growler Pants!
Here's Hardy with a super 164"+ 8 point taken at his family ranch in south Texas.
Jamie Hendrix, Africa 2007
Ron Knapp with a big tom from Spring '07.
Jeff Foster with a 6.5lb Lake Trout. Good thing he had our blaze parka to stay warm!

Arne with a few hunting buddies, and their collection of almost 100 birds from a trip to Nacona, Texas. Let the feathers fly!

Hunting rabbits in the UK, first time out in his new Oversize Oufitters gear. THANKS to Mark for remembering us with a photo, and for passing our name around!

Richard took this Russian Boar on Friday, 4/19/02 in Brookfield, NY. Says Hoss, "I shot him once in the shoulder with my Ruger Blackhawk 44 Magnum from about 20 yards. First Boar ever. Lots of Fun. Thanks for the great camo."

Richard "Hoss" Lickfield, and the deer that broke his slump of 7 years. Must have been that good-looking camo.

That's Joe from Oversize, with son Mac (5) after a stalking kill. He gave it up at 35 yards, deep in the woods, "Injun-Style".

Here's Mitch Oldenburg and his brother, Jim, on the knoll overlooking Lake Champlain, after a great duck hunt. Mitch said his brother hadn't been out hunting in a while, but just had to get out to try out the new gear. We're glad to help. That's Pearl, Mitch's retriever, in the foreground.

Leon Bunton with son, Marcus, and his 9pt with a 20.4" inside spread

While gardening, Regan caught a ferocious "back-yard Anaconda" that the Crocodile Hunter would be proud of. Thanks to the headgear, the snake never saw them coming.

A nice 10pt buck on his first deer hunt, in Grady, Ga, December 2, 2000. Shot him with a Marlin 30/30 about an hour after he reached the stand.

Bubba with a nice pheasant after a hunt in Winter, SD. He used a Remington 1187, and our Lightweight Jacket and Briar Pants. Bubba's 6'5", 380, and don't those clothes look nice!!

Quebec, Canada 405lb Black Bear 5/2001

The photo is of Terry's successful Ontario Black Bear Hunt that he won on TotalHunter.com. The hat and all the camo was from your BigCamo, but the smile is pure Terry! CONGRATS!

Tiny got tough and bought a LaCrosse Aeriform parka and bib set so he wouldn't miss any fishing. How about this nice blue he caught on 12/10/01 below the Keystone Dam near Drumright, OK? Tim runs a website devoted to catfishing, called www.catfishin.net -- Check it out!

Lee Rice with his 43lb king salmon on the Kenai River, Alaska (Wearing our Dura-Lite rain gear)

Lee's brother Bill with his 52lb king salmon in Kenai, Alaska, also in our Dura Lite's

Bruce Thomas from Allen, Texas: Weapon was Ruger Mini-30, 7.62X39 with 3x9 Leupold, Ammo hand loaded, and ole Tom was 18 lbs. with a 10.5 inch beard

Chris Montz took this 200lb 9 point in Bay Minette Alabama during a rain storm. Thanks to Oversize Outfitters and WINNING our Labor Day Giveaway, his LaCrosse parka and bib kept him completely dry. The buck was taken the afternoon of January 12th with a 7mm-08 Browning BLR Lightning

Doug Girton's first bear, 9/4/03, wearing the new 3D Bug Tamer outfit he got from BigCamo.com. We're thrilled to be part of his success!

Gordon and guide Art Jasmen in Caribou, Maine, with 1225lb live weight 53" spread Moose Date of Harvest: September 24, 2001 SWEET!

Steve Bryner with a couple from the big doe harvest at his camp in Erie, 2000. UPS mistakenly delivered Steve's clothes to an address a block from his house the night before he left for camp, so he had to hunt the box down in a blizzard that night. That camo gear is a Trophy in itself

Jim Mitchel with a nice 8pt from Texas

Joe Hill with one of two deer he took on a hunt. This one is a 140 class 8 point!

Here is Joe again on the same hunt with a second nice buck. This is a 9 point that scored 151. Looks like our Bomber Jacket helped him get close twice on this trip!

Here is Jerry Stout's spring '05 Alaska Black Bear Hunt. Juniper Mountain Longbow. Wearing our Lacrosse camo rain bibs.

Jerry Stout again with a nice bull moose. "Moose was shot interior Alaska fall "05. The Lacrosse camo rain pants and jacket are some of my best outdoor clothing and have proven Alaska tuff."
Here is Tobias Kawlath from Germany with a Gold Medal Red Deer in the Czech Republic during the 2007 season.
Dr. Lew with 4 X 5 mule deer sporting a 25" spread from the 2008 season.

Here is Terry H. with a nice gobbler.

This great buck was taken by Richard H.
Here is our buddy Ron S. with friends of the Wheelin Sportsman after a successful weekend hunt.

Here is Justin B. from KY with a couple nice birds!

Stephen A. from the UK with a 10pound Mirror Carp.

Lonnie from SD after a successful hunt during the 2006 season.
Right before this season I realized my old coveralls needed to be replaced, so BigCamo to the rescue with the Walls Legend Bibs and Parka. It helped me get this 200+lbs. 8 point 146 class Buck. Thanks Guys for the fast shipping and service. Rob

Destry on the last day of Ontario's waterfowl season in 2006 in a pair of Fly Waders (Discontinued).
Ducks Unlimited Stout Bootfoot Waders I purchased from BigCamo. They were used on my 1st ever Salmon fly-fishing trip to the Salmon River in Pulaski New York on October 2nd 2006. I was able to land my very 1st King Salmon and had one heck of a trip. I was part of a party of about 15 guys and many of them are pretty husky so the BigCamo name got passed around. Feel free to post my picture if you want.(you can see the Ducks Unlimited logo on the waders) Hope you all have a great 2007. Adam
Tom Vernal on an Alaskan adventure. I ordered the Columbia Steelhead Breathable Waders, a Columbia Bonehead Shirt and a Hat.I was very impressed with the fast and personable service I received. I wore the waders all 3 days while on the river, on average 10 to 12 hours a day. I am very pleased with them, and their performance. I wore shirt on our halibut trip, and again, very pleased. The hat I purchased is now worn out and I will have to order a new one! Finally, a place that sells high quality sporting clothing that really fits. Thank you BigCamo for treating all us big boys like real people! Tom (Utah 2008)

Riley from BigCamo with an Alabama 11pt from 12/08.